Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil - Not us!
“What we did over these last few months was powerful”
I hope you all pause just to recognize what happened with the three General Synod resolutions over these past months. This congregation took three issues that can be the utmost in controversial and found a way to talk about them. Sure there was unease and concern about how it would go.
We talked about digital access, gun violence, and abortion and came out on the other side a much more articulate and hardier congregation. While not all views we hear in the public sphere were represented in our discussions and dialogue, we heard incredible wisdom from across the congregation.
Too often, what I see in many congregations, is a system akin to the alcoholic family. We hear no evil, see no evil, pretend there is no evil even as pain and violence are found throughout our family system. We play nice to avoid the necessary things we have to do to be healthy.
What we did over these last few months was powerful. We found a way, a path. I’m hoping that way will continue to radiate out further and further to our community. What other congregation in southwest Michigan could have these kinds of discussions and come out the other side deeper and richer?
I am grateful to all of you for participating. I know sharing part of yourselves in speaking must have felt daunting at times. I also know how difficult it must have been to remain silent and give others a chance to speak.
What we did, however, is find a way to be God’s Beloved Community in both our speaking and listening, coming forward and giving way. As your pastor, it was powerful to see you all make it real.
Worship begins at 9:30 a.m.