Autumn Remembrance
“We are to remember by giving thanks not only for the blessings the good earth yields by God's kind and gentle hands but also gather around us the memories and community of saints that will enfold and protect us.”
With the changing of the seasons, also comes a sense of melancholy. Earth in this hemisphere slows. Certain animals turn to hibernate. Much of green life turns to amber, bittersweet, and scarlet. We are reminded that all things perish and that we, ourselves, are mortal. The harvest begins and ends - preparing for the cold of winter.
We are to remember by giving thanks not only for the blessings the good earth yields by God's kind and gentle hands but also gather around us the memories and community of saints that will enfold and protect us. In worship we will be studying the enigmatic story of Job and how Job's friends left him to affirm what they believed to be God and God's morality.
The first Sunday of November we will celebrate All Saints Sunday by remembering those we have lost in this earthly life over the last two years but remain with us as a circle to propel and protect us. As a new pastor to this church, if there is someone you would like to remember who was closely tied to this church, please communicate the date of birth and date of death of the loved one so that I might use it on Sunday, November 7th. If you have an electronicphoto you would like to share, please pass that along as well.