The Sabbath - A Cathedral in Time
“Sabbath is what we are to sew into our every day, every week, every year for ourselves, for our neighbors, for the water, and for the land. “
In an achieving culture, many of us reflect on what we are going to “do” this year in New Year’s resolutions. Especially in this age of pandemic, being asked to “do” one more thing can feel overwhelming. We live in a culture which equates our worth with our work.
All of creation was lovingly fashioned by God as a reflection, mirror, or image of God. We are the beloved Children of God woven together as the Beloved Community. Whoa! Wait! Put that down. Stop. Deep breath. That’s who you are without ever asking you to “do” anything. Take that in. You are a Beloved Child of God - created that way.
More than any other part of the creation, Sabbath is the centerpiece. Sabbath is referenced as a cathedral in time. Its intent is to be liberative and remind you of the foundational truth of your being. The Children of Israel, held in slavery for centuries, were taught that “work” was the meaning of their lives. Sabbath is the antidote.
Sabbath includes practices and rhythms of rest, play, fun, and celebration. God does not intend Sabbath as a “tack-on.” Like, if you get all your chores done, go out and play in the yard. No. Sabbath is what we are to sew into our every day, every week, every year for ourselves, for our neighbors, for the water, and for the land. Jesus proclaims this when he gets up in front of the synagogue in the gospel of Luke and declares his mission statement with “the year of the Living God’s favor” (the Year of Jubilee). The Year of Jubilee was a re-set of the whole system of life within Judaism and it came out of Sabbath tradition and story.
So, in New Year’s resolution, what are we going to sew into our every day, every week, every year for ourselves to know God’s intent for us? What practices or rhythms of rest, play, joy, and celebration will not “tack-on” but make central? Maybe that means a letting go or fasting of something that is just too much. Maybe it is recognizing that a weekly “bubble bath” is just what the doctor ordered. Or a forest bath will remind you of the wonders God intends for you. Who knew that your weekly card game was part of God’s plan for you?
Resolve to live in God’s cathedral of time. Resolve, plan for, sew into the regular God’s Sabbath. For you are a Beloved Child of God. Then radiate out.