Weaving Together the Beloved Community

Happy Pride Month

“… something magical happened.”

At our most recent Community Celebration service, something magical happened. These are rare moments in ministry when years of spiritual work are woven together with a prepared gateway or structure which allows God’s Spirit to whip around the room in powerful ways. The worship service asked for reflection, during Pride Month, on how the LGBTQ+ community has lifted us or provided Divine gifts.

Though these moments are rare and cannot be forced, I think it is important to reflect on the elements that were present so that we continue to open portals for the possibility of God’s Spirit to flit and float among us. And let me say that sometimes that is already happening imperceptibly and unbeknownst to us. Sometimes what feels like a slog can be the most meaningful and powerful work of a faith community.

I would love if you all shared elements you experienced as present on that Wednesday night in June so that we can provide the intention for them in the future.

Here is what I saw and experienced.

People spoke out of their vulnerability and their courage. We had a diverse intersection of voices that spoke of their historical slogs and pain to arrive at this moment. I saw people speaking not necessarily out of present struggles but about historical struggles that brought a bittersweet mixture of honest pain and joy. Each one of those voices spoke with humility, allowing for other voices to join the chorus. While many people spoke, I saw manifestations from family members and congregational members who wanted the person speaking to know that they were loved and we were grateful for their courage.

Music was a gateway. Diane and Lisa provided beautiful and diverse music (pop, country, disco, Latin American folk) that went to God’s love for our diversity and our identity as Beloved Children of God. I heard them waxing up our courage and giving permission for the moment to be transformative.

We had a combination of freedom and self-awareness that led to powerful reflection. Nobody told anyone else they were “wrong,” but all of the people who spoke seemed to be aware they were not alone and that they could speak freely and responsibly. We heard from incredibly diverse experiences reflecting back on something that was both something they were in but recognizing that something bigger was afoot.

Even more so, after the experience was over, people continued to speak about the personal experience of the worship service a powerful and transformative.

I thought the worship service was transformative for our congregation.

But it had been building. Our congregation had been inviting, welcoming, teaching, offering care, celebrating, having fun, and experiencing all of that being returned. Years of love and struggle found their culmination in that moment.

The work continues. And I am so inspired to continue that work in a congregation where God’s Spirit is being made manifest in transformative ways.


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Weaving Together Our Beloved Community